Inn Victoria

Vermont Fall Foliage Scenic Train Rides from Chester, VT

Fall Foliage in Vermont is poised to be the finest in recent history. The weather has been perfect for growing lush green leaves which will slowly turn color as the air cools through the evenings. The tree tops are starting to turn gold. It looks like we will soon enjoy a great fall season from mid September through the last week of October.

If you have not yet made your plans to enjoy the worlds best fall foliage, now would be a good time to start. He are some suggested places to visit while in South Central VT.

Here is a summary of the train schedule to and from Chester, VT during the fall season.  Relax and take in God’s beauty through this fall season.


Penny and Dan Cote, Owners of Inn Victoria  Chester, VT

1 train (1)

1 thought on “Vermont Fall Foliage Scenic Train Rides from Chester, VT”

  1. our family will be in your area on Thursday October 4, we would like to book a train ride for the fall color tour. if you could let me know if there is availability I would appreciate it. We would be looking for 4 tickets, thank you. Rose Bellanti


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