Victoria’s Secret Garden is a place to host your event in Vermont: retreats, reunions, family vacations and more. Inn Victoria’s most recent renovation to the property as a part of the multitude of renovations this spring, is a fabulous event garden with four large trellis and arbor pavilions. The Garden serves as an outdoor intimate venue. “Our goal”; says Penny, “is to offer intimate events such as family gatherings, weddings, reunions, business meetings, etc. a quiet and restful place to gather. The garden can host up to 50 people comfortably.
We are dedicated to growing our offerings to our guests”, says Dan at a recent interview with the CEO of Okemo Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce, Marji Graf. “We are committed to Chester and the region; the best way to support our community is to grow the business by offering added value services. The Okemo Valley Region offers such great opportunity for our vacationing neighbours from the East Coast cities, our neighbours in Quebec, and of course European and Asian tourists who are traveling more extensively to our region.”
The backdrop of St. Lukes, Episcopal church is extraordinary. The quiet and intimate setting of Victoria’s Secret Garden is a natural addition to Vermont’s most romantic bed and breakfast. More details in future blogs.
Owners of Inn Victoria For Lodging near Okemo Mountain: Chose our Bed and Breakfast