Six GREAT friends at Inn Victoria

Penny and I enjoy the blessing of so many people at the Inn; every once and a while a very unique circumstance brings people to us.  Yesterday six ladies got together for High Tea at Inn Victoria.  Not unique you say?…well here is the rest of the story.

Just a few years ago, these ladies were school friends.  Their friendships grew a strong bond through the 7th grade, into high school and beyond; to the point where they come together each year for a group gathering of fellowship!  I was amazed to hear of their bond.  Even though they all lead separate lives, kids, husbands, jobs, spread throughout New England, their bond of friendship remains strong.  And so these ladies gathered at Inn Victoria Chester Vermont for High Tea on the weekend.  From what I can see, they had a GREAT time.

Thanks for your encouragement ladies!…keep smiling!

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