Inn Victoria

Inn Victoria Guests Paint at Crow Hill Gallery in Chester, Vermont

 Watercolor by Jeanne Carbonetti was the opening show at the Vermont Institute of Contemporary Art (VTICA) in Chester, Vermont. It was an emotional exhibit with such beauty, warm watercolor, displaying passionate feelings.  No wonder people from around the USA and Canada take classes with Jeanne, she is an absolute wonder!

Take a look at these magnificently gorgeous paintings that two of our guests at Inn Victoria painted this week while taking classes with Jeanne at the Eden Center for Creative Power in Chester, VT.   The Eden Center for Creative Power, located on the premises of Crow Hill Gallery, offers courses and consultation in the art and arts of creativity. Jeanne Carbonetti teaches workshops each summer based on her best-selling books, and she specializes in private and semi-private teaching all year long. The goal of the Eden Center is to enable every individual to embody the miracle of his own creative power.

Penny and Dan Cote
Owners of Inn Victoria, For Lodging near Okemo Mountain Choose Inn Victoria

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